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Raffle for Brewer's Choice Ultimate Czech Pilsner

Started by admin, September 11, 2013, 10:39:46 PM

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September 11, 2013, 10:39:46 PM Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 07:29:24 PM by Il Tubo
This has been give to us for review courtesy of HomeBrewWest, so I'm going to raffle it off to some lucky brewer.

Only conditions for entry are that you have written a decent review (of anything) or article before, either as a post or preferably as an article that has been on the front page, and that you'll write a review of this kit.

The kit is this one, worth 30 squids.

Put your name down if you want to be included in the raffle, to take place at the next Liffey Brewers meet.

EDIT: This vid is for the old kit. The new kit is an improvement, and needs nothing.
Youtube vid here.

EDIT: Review a beer in the next two weeks to be eligible!




1. Tube
2. Irish Goat
3. DrowningManatee

NB/ i wrote an article for one o the Galway meets a few months ago,

great offer :)
Primary :
Grapefruit mead

Orange Blossom Mead
Blackberry Mead


September 13, 2013, 04:51:18 PM #4 Last Edit: September 13, 2013, 05:43:02 PM by LordEoin
Quote from: delzep on September 11, 2013, 10:52:39 PM
Open to full members only?
Yes. Only full members are allowed access to the beer review section.

As you don't need any experience reviewing beer to brew a kit, I think that it's a silly requirement for this raffle.
It seems more like a plug to generate beer reviews for the front page, which I think would be done more effectively by opening the beer review section to the public as it was originally intended.

Restricting this raffle to paid members with an interest in reviewing commercial beers will simply reduce the interest in the raffle.
I don't think that's fair to HomeBrewWest who have very generously sponsored this prize.

Finally, if a non-member won this kit, chances are that they'd end up paying membership anyway.


On the other hand a non-member winner could just feck off with the kit and we'd never hear from them again if they wanted

mr hoppy

TBH I thought yez were angling to get Lord Eoin to review it with the restriction. Him being the kit king and all.


Quote from: mr happy on September 13, 2013, 11:08:40 PM
TBH I thought yez were angling to get Lord Eoin to review it with the restriction. Him being the kit king and all.
G'wan lordeoin, put your name down :P


@ delzep :
i'd say it's unlikely that anyone who'd be eligible (even without the beer review) would tuck tail and run for the sake of €30. anyway, i'm sure those people would be weeded out of the hat when deciding whether the article they wrote was 'decent' or not.

@ tube:
as far as I can see, at the moment there are 4 conditions to entering this raffle which is excessive for establishing whether a potential winner entrant can write stuff or not.
1 - Must you have written a decent review (of anything) or article before, either as a post or preferably as an article that has been on the front page.
2 - Winner must write a review of this kit.
3 - Must be an existing full member
4 - Must write a beer review in the members' only area.

My objection isn't so much that it's only open to NHC member. It's a reasonable members' perk.
But making it a requirement that they review a commercial beer makes no sense.
This is a homebrewing forum. This is a raffle for a homebrewing ingredient kit.
It has nothing to do with reviewing a commercial beer to the guidelines of the publishing team.

@garry, mr happy:


Hows about as a compromise, the winner brews it and brings it to a meet...he then compiles mini reviews (2 or 3 sentences) from a range of people at the meet and uses this as the feedback?


Quote from: Il Tubo on September 11, 2013, 10:39:46 PM
EDIT: Review a beer in the next two weeks to be eligible!
How about we just remove this part. it suggests that you must write a beer review in the members' only section to be eligible


The condition for entry is that you have written a GOOD review OR article in the past. If not, and you want in, write a good beer review now. I don't think you need to worry here eoin, a few of your threads are stickies O0


Sure I might aswell

1. Tube
2. Irish Goat
3. DrowningManatee
4. LordEoin


Rightio, cheers. I'd be happy to.
But if any of you really want to do it you're more than welcome :)
I already have a review up of this range's IPA and it would be nice to see how someone else gets on with the 3kg DME

ps, Garry - where the hell did you find that smiley?? O0
It's hideous and I love it! ;D