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Brewing with blackberries

Started by davebhoy1975, August 26, 2016, 10:02:05 AM

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Interesting reading on this. Ive just taken 2.5 KG out of the garden and looks like theres the same at least to ripen yet.

Have them in the freezer at the moment.

I was considering doing some sort of a sour beer with lacto with them (kettle sour).

Anyone have any decent guidlines towards quantity to use ? I want to be able to taste the blackberries but not overpower too much.


I believe you brew as normal and then condition on berries for the best result.
Same with other berries like haws.


Otherwise, blackberry wine or a nice addition to a cider


Starting with my standard "Vintage Port Quickly" recipe:

5 Gallon Red wine kit (cheap one)
5 Kgs Sugar
2 Tins (1 gallon size) of suitable country wines (e.g. Elderberry, Black Cherry, Blackberry)

Alcotech 23% yeast (or equivalent)

Make up the above to about 4.5 gallons (SG should be about 1.135 or so*)

Ferment as normal, after a few weeks gravity should have dropped to below 1.000 thanks to all the alcohol.

Now make up another country kit to about 2 litres and add that. Check gravity, should go up to about 1.040 or so. Fermentation keesp on goung and should stop at the magic 1.022 (why 1.022? cpz' thats the fg of Cockburns Ruby Port, and its 22% alcohol)

If it drops much below 1.020 then add some sugar syrup to bring it back up

If you have freash berries then about 1.5 kgs of berries plus 500 gms sugar should be equivalent to a 1 gallon country can

*If this is off the scale of your hydrometer dilute sample 50/50 and double the reading)
Remember: The Nationals are just round the corner - time to get brewing


Easy as that.
I've made "vintage" port off Wills recipe and have to say it's fantastic. In laws are still going on about the bottles I gave them a few years back.
Note to self, get a batch on for Christmas.


NHC: Come for a beer recipe, leave with 22% wine.  :P


NCB : come for the 22% wine , never leave.  :D


Quote from: Will_D on August 28, 2016, 09:45:46 AM
Starting with my standard "Vintage Port Quickly" recipe:

5 Gallon Red wine kit (cheap one)
5 Kgs Sugar
2 Tins (1 gallon size) of suitable country wines (e.g. Elderberry, Black Cherry, Blackberry)

Alcotech 23% yeast (or equivalent)

Make up the above to about 4.5 gallons (SG should be about 1.135 or so*)

Ferment as normal, after a few weeks gravity should have dropped to below 1.000 thanks to all the alcohol.

Now make up another country kit to about 2 litres and add that. Check gravity, should go up to about 1.040 or so. Fermentation keesp on goung and should stop at the magic 1.022 (why 1.022? cpz' thats the fg of Cockburns Ruby Port, and its 22% alcohol)

If it drops much below 1.020 then add some sugar syrup to bring it back up

If you have freash berries then about 1.5 kgs of berries plus 500 gms sugar should be equivalent to a 1 gallon country can

*If this is off the scale of your hydrometer dilute sample 50/50 and double the reading)
Thank you Will, you're a gent!! Couple of questions though. Do I need 3 country wine kits in total? And if I get this on soon would it be ready for Christmas?

Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk


I used a bottle of ribena for the last addition when I did it. Was delicious.


Quote from: googoomuck on August 28, 2016, 03:57:00 PM
Quote from: Will_D on August 28, 2016, 09:45:46 AM
If you have fresh berries then about 1.5 kgs of berries plus 500 gms sugar should be equivalent to a 1 gallon country tin
Thank you Will, you're a gent!! Couple of questions though. Do I need 3 country wine kits in total? And if I get this on soon would it be ready for Christmas?

As above: if you have fresh berries use them!

Timescale: Less than 3 months will do the VPQ (Vintage Port Quickly)  :) :)

BTW: Note to all NHC: For a taste of some great ports come to the NCB Christmas party in the Old Boro in Swords!! We will have some great Ruby and White Ports available!
Remember: The Nationals are just round the corner - time to get brewing


West Kerry brewery do a beer called riasc black that uses blackberries. thats a stout so maybe the flavours can handle the tartness better than lighter beers. give them a shout I am sure they would give some advice.