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Capital Brewers Stout & Dark Ale Homebrew competition

Started by Dr Brown Ale, June 28, 2019, 04:51:31 PM

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Looking for a few judges anyone interested let me know, judging is Sunday morning in the headline.

fishjam45 (Colin)

Quote from: beerfly on October 24, 2019, 01:04:55 PM
Looking for a few judges anyone interested let me know, judging is Sunday morning in the headline.

I'm not around on Sunday but I have said it to the rest of GCB to see if anyone is available to help.

I'm having difficulty getting the Garden County entries collected, there was an arrangement in place from Capital to collect them from me but communication seems to have ceased so now we are at a loss as to what is happening.  Can someone give us an update please as the competiton is in 3 days, thanks.
Garden County Brewers



Not from the horses mouth, but rather from the @CapitalBrewers twitter feed:

"Hey everyone. Due to logistical reasons we need to move the Dark Ales comp out by a week. New date tba"

I'm sure they'll update when everything's confirmed.


Quote from: beerfly on October 24, 2019, 01:04:55 PM
Looking for a few judges anyone interested let me know, judging is Sunday morning in the headline.

Might be a daft question but can anyone be a judge?


Anyone can be a judge and we actively encourage novice judges in GCB comps with one prerequisite, they are paired with strong BJCP judges if they are new to it.
Also our newbie judges have done a bit of stewarding and we actively get them to taste a beer post scoring to see if they pick up the same issues as the judges and also the amazing beers.
Not a good idea to have novice judges together for the quality/consistency of the comp and outa respect for entrants.
The most important element of any judging is not the spotting of off flavours but the advice to the entrant.
Commercial brewery judges are the absolute worst for this

Best example I saw of quality judging recently was my GCB entries where I couldn't of been arsed to weigh out the minerals and didn't use them. I scored two 32 pointers and the comment was they were ok, no flaws just ok, but amazingly Andrew(BeoirFinder) picked up the fact that my soft well water wasn't treated.
Now that's quality judging. I haven't told him yet either, he'd never get his head through the door and every time I've seen him since all I hear in my head is,
"Now that's some quality H2O"


Ah, ok. Cool. I would love to give it a try sometime. Been homebrewing for well over 5 years now and have found myself being super critical when it comes to all beers. Done my fair share of geeking up too by reading lots of brewing books. I think it would be a really interesting, thought provoking and probably eye opening experience that could only help me become a better brewer.


100% Have you done any stewarding at all? Really is best place to start to get your name out there so if not deffo put your name down for this one or the Nationals as well.


Never done any stewarding. I'll have to try and make it to one of the events. Or at the very least, enter a beer. Are they held in various locations or just Dublin?




Presuming that the boil water notice also rendered all forms of communication moot from the competition secretary & the social media secretary and any of the organisers, the results from the Capital twitter account suggest it went ahead.

1st. Foreign Extra Stout, Colin Bolton (Garden County Brewers)
2nd. English Porter, Richard Lubell (Capital Brewers)
3rd. Tropical Stout, Colin Bolton (Garden County Brewers)
HM. English Porter, Jonathan Cheech (Capital Brewers)


Would be great to see score sheets some time soon please Capital Brewers


Fair play Pob. Glad to see someone is on the ball.


What did Colin And Richard Win, beer or a brew day?

fishjam45 (Colin)

Afternoon all,
It's been 3 weeks since the competition was held lads - is there any word on the prizes? Nobody has contacted me yet.
Garden County Brewers
