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Waterford City Brewers Meetup

Started by TheSumOfAllBeers, April 18, 2019, 11:49:27 PM

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Hi all how did this go , still in action ? Im new to the homebrew scene  i made an extract apa kit which turned out ok except for the ABV which was low , anyway id love to meet and find out any info you lads n lasses have cheers kieran


Hi Kieran, yes, still meeting. This month will actually be the first since last June that we have not met up due to our regular haunt being closed ! Although we are working on some sort of a virtual meet. Once the details of that have been decided we will post them up here and on the facebook group, you'd be more than welcome.

This months meet thread-

FB Group -

What do you reckon happened with the Kit that it came out too low ?



Hi Adam , missed the online meeting damn it , hope it will keep going , all I can say to the low abv is maybe some issue with the yeast , also some off flavours in there too but I'm putting that downbtobmy wort kettle, its aluminium I think not the best material for brewing , I think I might not had enough yeast or didn't aerate the wort enough , anyway I need to get a good batch soon , 2nd batch just 2 weeks in bottles now a DIPA kit from hbc again low abv 6.0 % I opened a bottle last night great carbonation but again off TCP type flavour , overpowering the big hop additions and hardly any bitterness , oh well try try again

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Hi Kieran,

I know the feeling, could be a host of things. TCP medicinal could indicate an infection perhaps ? If that is the case it could still be fermenting in the bottles so best put them somewhere they won't do damage in the event they blow.

We are hoping to do another Zoom call this Friday 10th April, if you are available and want to partake shoot across to our FB and throw your preferred time in the poll -
