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Gluten Free LME (made with Barley not Sorghum)

Started by riverbird, September 10, 2021, 06:14:29 PM

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Hi guys, first post so apologies if this is in the wrong place. I'm looking to buy Gluten Free LME that has been originally made with Barley and not Sorghum (yuck). Homebrewwest used to sell 'Brew at Home' GF LME (formerly Smashbox), but they no longer stock this product and I can't find it (or anything similar) anywhere else. I know I can use Clarity Ferm to reduce the gluten in a brew made with regular LME, but I would prefer to find GF LME rather than use clarity ferm. Can anybody help with this please? Cheers, Colin


Any gluten free LME that is barley based was probably made by adding clarity ferm to the extract at the factory. Using clarity ferm at home would give you much the same results, maybe try double dosing to be safe though!


Unless you are medically diagnosed then regular beer is quite GF AS THE brewing process removes gluten. I heard once that light Lagers like Coors are suitable as GF beers. Mind you so is water
Dei miscendarum discipulus
Forgive us our Hangovers as we forgive those who hangover against us



Hmmmmm.....don't think I'll be Dempsey's medical advice on that ..... Still searching for those elusive cans of 'Certified' GF LME :(