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Partial Mash Questions for NEIPA

Started by bighoppapump, September 25, 2019, 12:41:17 PM

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I'm trying to make a NEIPA and I'm planning the recipe right now. I have some oats, wheat malt and 2-row pale malt. My understanding is that I need to mash oats with something that has enough diastatic power to convert it. Both wheat and pale malt are self converting and I've seen recommendations to mash the oats with pale malt. I'm wondering can I mash the oats with the wheat malt instead as it is self converting or must I mash the wheat, pale ale malt and oats together?


Like everything else in homebrewing, there's a calculator for that: https://www.topdownbrew.com/diastaticPower.html
The amount of malt x its power (which you can pull from here: http://www.brewunited.com/grain_database.php) totaled for all your malts then divided evenly tells you if it converts.
Basically, some malts like pale have more power than they need to self-convert, they can "lend" that power to other malts in the mash that don't have any.

Wheat malts vary a lot, it's gonna depend on which you're using.