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Started by Slyp98, March 26, 2020, 06:30:26 PM

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Hi all new to this homebrew , I've done 2 batches , I messed up tr 1st as I had only a 13litre kettle so I used half the ingredients , worked out ok but the abv was low , 4.2% was an American pale ale from HBC , 2nd batch , HBC DIPA , went to plan but again low abv 6.2% , I had no temp control only a brewbelt,  and a hand held Infra red thermostat , I kept it roughly at 20 to 23 deg for 2 weeks,  any major reason this would happen thanks Kieran

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your definition of low abv is not what I would say is. not sure from your post what you mean. what abv were you expecting from the recipe you used.
Dei miscendarum discipulus
Forgive us our Hangovers as we forgive those who hangover against us


The 1st batch , states the abv to be roughly 5.4 % the DIPA states abv near 7.3% , are there obvious reasons why the final gravity is high

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Was it an all grain kit? If so did you crush the grains yourself?

Did you take OG and FG tradings?


Sorry I thought this was the extract forum , full extract both were kits , the APA OG was 1.042
The FG was 1012 followed instruction to the T , except I only used half the batch ie half the wort , half hops n half the yeast in half the  final volume , the 2nd brew is not finished yet it's in bottles the last week,  DIPA , Og 1.062,  FG 1.014 , again followed instructions to a T , this time I used a 13litre kettle and when finished with the boil , I added it to 15 litres of cold bottled( Aldi)water , cooled to 21 deg and aerated then pitched yeast dry , went crazy on the airlock for 3 days I couldn't keep solution in the airlock it was so vigorous,  brewbelt on the 25 litre  fermenter with an insulating jacket around the lot , that's my story cheers

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Sorry my bad, i didnt spot was on extract forum.
Sounds like you did everything right. strange one. Hopefully some of the extract brewers can throw some light on it for you.


Did you oxygenate the wort before pitching the yeast? I used to get stuck fermentations when I started and that was the reason.


think of oxygen as fuel in your car. it will get you going on your journey but if there is not enough in the tank then you will stall before you get to your destination.
Dei miscendarum discipulus
Forgive us our Hangovers as we forgive those who hangover against us


What I did was give the wort a good splash into the fermenter,  and then a quick stir , is it better to stick a electric whisk or maybe a paddle for mixing plaster into the wort for a few minutes ?

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with the stirring method you will get some oxygen in. the more you can do it will help as with method you won't ever overdo it. on these high alcohol batches how much yeast are you pitching.  general rule of thumb is a wort higher than 1050sg needs 2 packets of yeast.
Dei miscendarum discipulus
Forgive us our Hangovers as we forgive those who hangover against us



Sorry lads I don't remember , it was in the hbc full extract kit for the supreme being DIPA

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@Slyp98 how did the DIPA finish? I have one on, did 14l boil added all extract and hops at times stated. OG 1.070, just added dry hop at 10 days and reading is 1.014


Yeah it was only alright tbh , something not right huge carbonation,  it was constantly foaming out of the bottle even 5 min later , and they were quite cold 5 degrees , taste not right though , hops subdued bit of a medicinal taste , I dumped most of it , but on a better note I've upgraded my system so the last 2 brews were much better

 how did your kit turn out?

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