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Discover America pale ale

Started by Charco, March 27, 2021, 05:03:14 PM

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Hi all,

Just bottled a batch of HBC Discover America Pale ale today which I've had in fermentation vessel for last 2 weeks. I had an OG of 1.033 which seemed very low at the time. The FG today was 1.003. I dry hopped with 70g or Citra as it didn't come with any hops for for dry hop and I like a dry hopped beer. I'm happy with the taste, but it seems very watery.. as in doesn't have much body at all. Just wondering has anyone brewed this beer before?..I wonder if I can expect the carbonation/conditioning to give it a bit more body or is this just the type of beer it is



1.003 is very low. That's Brut IPA low. The OG was too low from the looks of things but it looks like the yeast did a job on the attenuation. Its possible as well that the dry hop added some hop creep which bumped the FG down.
Bottle conditioning won't make any diff to the body. Chalk it up as a lesson!
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