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Started by Will_D, October 16, 2013, 04:50:31 PM

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Leann ull

Bulk conditioning is better for cider as well as beer
Corneys are ideal and I have 10 with varying vintages under c02 blankets
Carboys or Demi johns with an occasional squirt of C02 or some even use olive oil, bit messy that though
The drums are good for 2-3 months then even tightly shut O2 will start to migrate through the wall
Cheapest option is obviously bottles. PET bottles are OK for about 6 months but I'd prime them just to be certain all the co2 was being consumed.
Burst pressure on plastic 2l bottles way exceeds that of glass and is less likely to kill you ;)


Siphoned of a litre from each drum after pitching 7 campden tabs per drum.  Left the juice in the fridge and thought i'd drink it but it's fermenting even in the fridge  ???


Should the GB juice be allowed to ferment out fully at around 18c before cold storage in the shed for a few months?

Also,what was the og of the juice?


Quote from: delzep on November 27, 2015, 12:51:16 AM
Should the GB juice be allowed to ferment out fully at around 18c before cold storage in the shed for a few months?
Also,what was the og of the juice?
Its up to you - long and slow is the advice from the cider makers. Most commercial ciders are fermented in open sheds with no heating!

OG: 1.049
pH:  3.6
Remember: The Nationals are just round the corner - time to get brewing

Leann ull

Just measured 2016 juice it's down at 1.002 whereas the one I let do its own thing is at .999, both still fermenting tastes very clean, still a little cloudy, think this is going to be a good one, phew!


Quote from: CH on December 11, 2015, 04:00:57 PM
Just measured 2016 juice it's down at 1.002 ....
Its True then, You ARE a timelord!
Remember: The Nationals are just round the corner - time to get brewing


Well he's probably not going to drink it until 2016

Leann ull

Bad fiscal year habit I have, 2015 crop, 2016 cider


Mine is 1.002 aswell (used S04 with mine). I take it this is as low as they're going to go?

I wasn't able to find my hop straining bag so there are bits of lees in my keg. Do I need to re-rack and filter this?



1.002 here as well, with the American Wheat yeast. Just has a touch of residual sweetness, though it's still very very green. Great apple flavour coming through as well. If it stays there, I'm going to be very happy.

As always, a pic paints a 1000 words:
Fermenting: IPA, Lambic, Mead
Conditioning: Lambic, Cider, RIS, Ole Ale, Saison
On Tap: IPA, Helles, Best Bitter


Quote from: Mac on December 21, 2015, 11:34:46 AM
Mine is 1.002 aswell (used S04 with mine). I take it this is as low as they're going to go?

I wasn't able to find my hop straining bag so there are bits of lees in my keg. Do I need to re-rack and filter this?


If it's only a little, they'll settle to the bottom and cause no issue. Probably more of a risk of oxidisation if you transfer etc...
Fermenting: IPA, Lambic, Mead
Conditioning: Lambic, Cider, RIS, Ole Ale, Saison
On Tap: IPA, Helles, Best Bitter

Leann ull

Looks lovely Molc
All ye feckers and yer fancy yeasts.
Davy From Tempted was able to pick up my Edinburgh ale yeast 2 years ago


Anyone got theirs outside? Am debating whether to bring my cornys in: temps hit 3 degrees here this morning - enough for cars to be frozen over.

Leann ull

alcohol in it you are safe enough don't forget it's 19l so it would need to be below zero for a couple of days for her to go, just make sure it's in the shed


Quote from: CH on January 05, 2016, 06:37:17 PM
Looks lovely Molc
All ye feckers and yer fancy yeasts.
Davy From Tempted was able to pick up my Edinburgh ale yeast 2 years ago
Plenty of years for me to figure it all out. Can taste it next year and tell me what you think. I split over 2 kegs so I'll have a clean sample for comparisons and maybe some blending...
Fermenting: IPA, Lambic, Mead
Conditioning: Lambic, Cider, RIS, Ole Ale, Saison
On Tap: IPA, Helles, Best Bitter