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All grain stout - Carbonating / serving

Started by Peadargls, May 13, 2021, 02:15:38 PM

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Hello all!

I made up a batch of stout (something like the famous one..) and have had it fermenting at around 19° for the past 7 days. I plan on leaving it for 2 weeks total.

I have a stout tap and all of the equipment ready to go..

In terms of carbonation, i plan on carbing on Co2 on 30 psi for 2 days before hooking it up to 75/25 nitro for serving.

Does this sound right? Have i missed anything? Just want to make sure!

Any feedback/advice would be great! Thanks :)


30 psi is approx 2 bar, at what temperature will the beer be at when you doing this
Dei miscendarum discipulus
Forgive us our Hangovers as we forgive those who hangover against us


It would be in the fridge.. so 3-5 degrees.

Any idea what the nitrogen pressure should be at? Regular stout pressure?


It'll be over carbonated at those times and temps.


Oh sh!t really!

Any advice on more suitable pressures?



Quote from: Peadargls on May 14, 2021, 12:17:56 PMOh sh!t really!

Any advice on more suitable pressures?


Have a google for a force carbonation chart. It gives you temps and psi to reach a certain carbonation level

Dr Jacoby

Quote from: Peadargls on May 14, 2021, 12:17:56 PMOh sh!t really!

Any advice on more suitable pressures?


Stick it on at 8 psi and leave it there for a week. That should do it and give you something close to 2.2 volumes of pressure which is roughly where you want to be with a stout.
Every little helps
