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Demonstration PDF

Started by Rossa, December 07, 2012, 12:04:45 PM

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December 07, 2012, 12:04:45 PM Last Edit: December 07, 2012, 01:01:11 PM by Ronaldo
Two PDF's for Capital Brewers Demonstration



Those look great Rossa! Thanks for putting them together.

Can some one coming tomorrow print out a few copies? Post here if you're doing some so that we don't end up with too many! It looks like we'll get about 30 people tomorrow so even if you jsut printed your own copy or a few spares would be helpful!


Actually I'll get someone to print the first guide! The second one with the pictures would be nice to have a handful of copies on the day if someone can print a few copies?


I can print as many as you like - but they will be in black and white - also I might be slightly late for this tomorrow.
Formerly JamesM.


Black and white should be fine, print a copy and see what you think when it's on paper!

I don't know how many copies will be needed?!?

I've got 30 copies of the non picture version, i don't think we'll need that many of the pictures one?


I think if we are going to hand out the pictorial guide it will need to be colour.
I mean, everyone will want to see Rossa's green and yellow wall tiles behind his hydrometer reading - we all know he's a big Kerry football fan :P
Formerly JamesM.


I printed off a copy in black n white and its ot too bad - but doesnt really do it justice at the same time.
Ill print off 30 and you can decide tomorrow whether to give them out or not.
Formerly JamesM.


December 07, 2012, 04:08:35 PM #8 Last Edit: December 07, 2012, 04:11:37 PM by Jacob
Not that I'm so 'green', but isn't that enough that we already printed 30 b&w (even without images)?
We can always refer anyone to nhc site for full version in color and with images ...

Also, just in case ... it should be easy to even remember link to pdf :P



Ok you're probably right - I havent printed them yet.
Ill leave it - because black and white really doesnt do it justice.
Formerly JamesM.