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Dry hop removal?

Started by SureLook, January 20, 2021, 07:52:13 PM

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I'm part way through the below recipe and the gravity has hit 1.014 i.e. time to dry hop. I've added the hops in a bag this evening. Question is do I leave them in until fermentation is complete (approx. 11 more days) or whip the bag out after 4 days as per the recipe? I've heard of grassy notes etc. when leaving hops in too long. Thoughts?

Wee County Brewers - Small County, Big Beers!


You are better off waiting for fermentation to finish and then adding the hops IMO. 4 days is loads, 2 would be enough really. If you are at 1.014 already you also probably wont have another 11 days of fermentation.


Usually I would wait for fermentation to subside and dry hops 3-5 days before bottling (when brewing IPAs/APAs) but this recipe called for dry hopping on a specific day so I went for that.

Given this beer should finish at 1.007 there's not too much fermenting left, however, I think the fermentation time of 16 days is for the yeast to impart some flavours into the beer (particular to saisons as far as I'm aware).

Suppose I'll wait and see and make a judgement call in the next few days!

Wee County Brewers - Small County, Big Beers!


Dry hopping impact happens quickly so 2 days is plenty time for dry hopping.
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