National Homebrew Club Ireland

Brewing Discussions => Kit Brewing => Topic started by: Greg2013 on February 13, 2013, 12:27:37 PM

Title: Pineapple Shocktop.
Post by: Greg2013 on February 13, 2013, 12:27:37 PM
Well i brewed this up the other day and i have to say it smells divine in the primary fv. Used a yeast starter and it is bubbling mad.First brew with the new fermwrap, but i notice on an actual active brew temps are getting up around 24 celsius in the fv so i reckon that mrs fridge will be meeting mr stc 1000 sooner rather than later ;D
Title: Re: Pineapple Shocktop.
Post by: LordEoin on February 17, 2013, 12:14:12 PM
24 will still be fine with this brew.
You might end up with some more banana/bubblegum esters.
Remember too that this is a cloudy beer, so there's no need to clear it.
It will probably finish fermenting on about day 5 or 6, ready to bottle on day 10-14, no need to cold crash.

I'm glad to hear the brewbelt is working well for you so far.
An stc1000 is great to control them, but you can also use a cheap on/off socket timer.
Title: Re: Pineapple Shocktop.
Post by: Greg2013 on February 22, 2013, 05:56:55 PM
Ya Eoin had a bit of a disaster here i am afraid. It is now in secondary.It would curl your toes it is so bitter. Now i dont reckon it got infected becuase it is as you said very cloudy but other than that no floaties or nasties that i can see. I added pineapple chunks into the fv at fermentation and maybe that fecked it up. It is due bottling Wednesday next week but is not drinkable in its current form so i will be back sweetening it with Lactose as soon as it arrives.

Bitterly dissapointed since all the drama with the coopers Irish stout, second brew fubar? Oh i dont know it is all very discouraging tbh. :'(
Title: Re: Pineapple Shocktop.
Post by: LordEoin on February 22, 2013, 09:12:53 PM
I was wondering why you called it 'pineapple shocktop' alright.
Did you just bung chunks of pineapple into it or did you give them a bit of a boil or anything to sterilise them first? was the skin on?
Can you please post your recipe?

My normal Shocktop recipe is meant to be cloudy, but it should not be bitter at all, actually quite sweet and yeasty.
Not sure how the Pineapple would affect it.
Title: Re: Pineapple Shocktop.
Post by: johnrm on February 23, 2013, 08:53:42 AM
@deadman, you might be trying to do to much to soon.
Is this a juice and yeast jobby with pineapple chunks thrown in?
Did you sanitize them? Crush them?
Stick with a couple of simple brews to start.
Title: Re: Pineapple Shocktop.
Post by: Greg2013 on February 23, 2013, 08:12:52 PM
Ok they were two tesco tins pineapple chunks in syrup which i brought to a rolling boil for 20 mins and added the lot to the wort.

John you are 100% correct and i am scaling things down for my next batch, its only going to be a one gallon brew, just waiting on Hb order is all. ;D
Title: Re: Pineapple Shocktop.
Post by: Ciderhead on February 23, 2013, 09:14:56 PM
QuoteOk they were two tesco tins pineapple chunks in syrup which i brought to a rolling boil for 20 mins and added the lot to the wort.

John you are 100% correct and i am scaling things down for my next batch, its only going to be a one gallon brew, just waiting on Hb order is all. ;D

its as easy to do 5 as one, and you have all the kits, you also get more homogeneity and better fermentation from larger batches.

Title: Re: Pineapple Shocktop.
Post by: Greg2013 on February 24, 2013, 01:19:19 AM
Indee ciderhead but when it goes tits up there is a big difference between dumpoing 23 litres and dumping 5 litres ;D
Title: Re: Pineapple Shocktop.
Post by: LordEoin on February 24, 2013, 04:29:25 AM
Please, please, just listen to people, or at least follow recipes...
Title: Re: Pineapple Shocktop.
Post by: LordEoin on February 24, 2013, 04:29:41 AM
I find 1 gallon harder to brew than 5. Less room for error, I suppose...
Just keep it simple and you won't have to dump ANY.

Cooper's kit + 1kg LDM + kit yeast, to 23L.
Do not pick a kit with only lager yeast ( It will only complicate things more than an ale yeast would.
Sanitise, Mix, Seal, Set heat belt, forget for 2 weeks, bottle.
Don't bother racking to secondary for now. An extra week on the trub won't hurt.

Just try it without adding treacle/tins of pineapple/polish blackcurrent syrup or anything else.
I would recommend the English Bitter kit.

Once you get the hang of it, and a few successful brews (or at least one) under your belt, then add all of the crap that you can get your hands on.

But if you have another few bad brews you'll probably end up thinking 'Screw brewing. Waste of time. Could have bought 7 slabs of Dutch Mould and basket of pineapples for the cost I've poured down the sink..'

The next recipe you think of doing, let us know a few days before you put it down so we can pick holes in it and avoid problems before they happen.
If you had said "Oh, by the way... I was thinking of adding two boiled cans of Tesco Finest Pineapple Chunks to my Orange Hefeweizen (", I'm pretty sure that everyone would have politely suggested that you don't.

I see you've already ordered your 'next batch'. What is your next recipe?
Any time that someone asks you for your recipe, you give partial ingredients and no method, after the fact. This means that not only do we have to speculate on the cause, but also on the fix. So please post the full recipe.
Otherwise it's like going to a mechanic and saying 'My car no work right. It have vroom vroom in noisy'
With a full recipe (and even info that you might not think important) we might be able to help before it goes wrong.

Please learn to walk before trying to sprint to the moon. I feel like people on this forum have bent over backwards to help you, but as someone else in another thread said, you won't listen to the help that we try to give.

I'm sorry if this post seems harsh. I've re-read and modified this post for about 2 hours to make it clear and fair, and I hope that it now comes across that way.
I sincerely hope that your beer is ok and that the bitterness you taste is just a result of the pineapple or its 'youngness', and that it mellows out after time.
Before dumping the whole batch, have someone else taste it too. Everyone's palate is different.
Title: Re: Pineapple Shocktop.
Post by: Ciderhead on February 24, 2013, 12:55:22 PM
Title: Re: Pineapple Shocktop.
Post by: johnrm on February 25, 2013, 09:06:15 AM
Wire up your house like Big-Brother, Put motion-sense recording in place.
We'll figure out where you'e going wrong.
You're next brew WILL be a good 'un.
Name it 'Deadman Walking'!
Title: Re: Pineapple Shocktop.
Post by: Ciderhead on February 25, 2013, 09:43:15 AM
I'm going down to do a brew with him after the comp. as I can stand to watch a fellow brewer suffer this much :'(
Title: Re: Pineapple Shocktop.
Post by: Greg2013 on February 25, 2013, 11:29:58 AM
You know there are some pretty sound people on here which is great. I realise it is something i am doing. Thing about me is its no use telling me not to do something cause i am just too stubborn and will do it anyway ::)

I genuinely thought the pineapple would not be an issue and i am amazed that so little of it screwed up so much beer :'( I like experimentation you see and when you dont have regular contact with other brewers then you kinda have to wing it by yourself :(
Title: Re: Pineapple Shocktop.
Post by: Greg2013 on February 25, 2013, 11:32:26 AM
The other brew that i was planning on soon that Lord Eoin is referring to i cannot post here yet as i have not yet gotten permission to post the receipe from the lady i received it from Mrs Bobbi Meyer off youtube. ;D

Can say its a BIAB one gallon batch and its a stout.
Title: Re: Pineapple Shocktop.
Post by: Ciderhead on February 25, 2013, 03:01:19 PM
BMeyer, good luck with that ;)
Title: Re: Pineapple Shocktop.
Post by: Greg2013 on February 25, 2013, 06:13:50 PM
Behave you messer, she has as filthy a mind as any man ;D :o She is subbed to me and is part of my fb brew club(well i am a member?) ;D
Title: Re: Pineapple Shocktop.
Post by: johnrm on February 25, 2013, 08:08:53 PM
Ah Jaysus, are ya going down a dark windy road again?...
Title: Re: Pineapple Shocktop.
Post by: Ciderhead on February 25, 2013, 08:27:36 PM
QuoteBehave you messer, she has as filthy a mind as any man ;D :o  ;D

Thats cos she is a man :o
Title: Re: Pineapple Shocktop.
Post by: johnrm on February 25, 2013, 09:08:12 PM
Cue the theme tune to The Crying Game...


Title: Re: Pineapple Shocktop.
Post by: Ciderhead on February 25, 2013, 09:22:47 PM
I am listening to it on Youtube, but please tell me Sat what Boing means
Title: Re: Pineapple Shocktop.
Post by: johnrm on February 25, 2013, 09:48:06 PM

Its one of those scary ones...
Watch about 1:20 to 1:46...
This will not be discussed on Saturday. :o
Title: Re: Pineapple Shocktop.
Post by: Ciderhead on February 25, 2013, 09:57:07 PM
Dat boirds got balls :o :o