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BrewDog release all their recipes to homebrewers!

Started by Tom, February 25, 2016, 11:07:08 AM

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Leann ull

even looking at them they have the basis for good recipes but a lot of adjuncts look out of balance and need tweaking imo. 



Someone on reddit made a searchable website with xml files for all the DIY DOG recipes. A lot handier than the PDF.


That's brilliant. Wonder how long it'll stay up with their name in the address though.


I was browsing the 2017 update with a mate last night, he wants to brew a clone of Bourbon Baby. I have to say an awful lot of their numbers still don't add up, specifically the attenuation with the listed yeast. Wyeast 1056 is only rated for 73 - 77 % attenuation, and they have it at 90% in a recipe with a ton of Crystal and dark malts. Madness.


Quote from: BrewDorg on August 24, 2017, 10:13:59 AM
That's brilliant. Wonder how long it'll stay up with their name in the address though.

Apparently it says on it that they are happy for it to be reproduced, etc as long as its not for profit so hopefully they'll appreciate it.