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NBC 2015 Gold IPA ("Zombie Mosaic")

Started by Paul B, March 17, 2015, 09:51:24 AM

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Quote from: winstonia on April 28, 2015, 04:27:16 PM
Would it make much of a difference if I didn't use Mosaic or Citra for bittering? Kind of kills the single hop beer I know.

Id say you'll be fine. Use something fairly neutral like magnum. I really disliked the bitterness I got from bittering with citra.


How did this turn out for people? I'm going to brew it today.
So revel and chaff as ye thirstily quaff, under six feet of dirt it's less easy to laugh!


Quote from: Mac780 on April 20, 2015, 08:46:16 PM
Its my first time using 04 and the Krausen has dropped out fully! Is this normal?

Its still bubbling away.

Yep 04 flocs like a champ.


Quote from: revel_and_chaff on May 16, 2015, 09:56:51 AM
How did this turn out for people? I'm going to brew it today.

I only transferred it to a keg last weekend so I haven't sampled it properly, but I had a taste from what was left in the fermenter after the keg was full and I liked what I tasted. From the little glass I sampled I thought it was pretty well balanced but it's obviously a hop forward beer. It smelled great and was pretty clear after crashing for 4 days but I'll leave it another week or so before a proper sample. I'm a fan of Citra and I think you have to be to like this recipe.


May 17, 2015, 01:05:56 AM #19 Last Edit: May 18, 2015, 08:27:56 PM by Mac780
People keep going for his one in my house. It ties together beautifully. worth doing to experience the hop and the malt bill is great with it.


Sorry for dragging up another old thread, I've been wanting to do a brew with Mosaic and came across this one.

Just wondering what adjustments to the grain bill do I need to make to reduce the ABV? Ideally about 5% ish

I'm using the BIAB method, my grain bill on all my brews so far have been about 5.5KG - I don't think I'd have the room for another KG

Leann ull

Do you have brewing software like beersmith it allows you to mess around with grain for abv colour and hops for ibus


My trail Beersmith license ran out, was using the brewers friend calculator but not sure how I'm affecting the taste by say dropping base malt to 5 kg, Munich to 300g and the others to 100g.


This is a good article on working out stuff like this, fun if you like maths.http://homebrewmanual.com/home-brewing-calculations/
If you want to reduce or increase ABV I only ever adjust the base malt in recipes, you can leave the special malts alone.


Quote from: vinyljunkie on December 14, 2016, 08:47:43 PM
My trail Beersmith license ran out, was using the brewers friend calculator but not sure how I'm affecting the taste by say dropping base malt to 5 kg, Munich to 300g and the others to 100g.

Beersmith is so cheap just get it. And we have a discount code as members. We spend so much on gear, etc but really beersmith is probably the best investment I've made as a brewer. If you put this recipe in you can just slide the og to give you a 5.5% version that's set up for your gear. Anyway on your question if you do make a 5.5% version you should probably drop the ibus a little too.

Paul B

Quote from: vinyljunkie on December 14, 2016, 07:36:58 PM
Sorry for dragging up another old thread, I've been wanting to do a brew with Mosaic and came across this one.

Just wondering what adjustments to the grain bill do I need to make to reduce the ABV? Ideally about 5% ish

I'm using the BIAB method, my grain bill on all my brews so far have been about 5.5KG - I don't think I'd have the room for another KG

I did (and continue to do) this beer using BIAB. If you're worried about space, draw off about 3L of your total water before mash and save that for the dunk sparge. Works great. That said as others mention you should be using either brewersfriend or beersmith, otherwise you're flying blind. Good luck!


Cheers, so you draw off a few liters in a bucket, dump the grain bag in that when you're heating up the kettle to sparge? Will look into beersmith cheers.

Paul B

Quote from: vinyljunkie on December 15, 2016, 04:37:03 PM
Cheers, so you draw off a few liters in a bucket, dump the grain bag in that when you're heating up the kettle to sparge? Will look into beersmith cheers.

* Start out with 27L
* Draw off 3L into a bucket
* Mash in the remaining 24L
* Towards the end of the hour, heat up your 3L to about 75c. I use my standard kitchen kettle for this.
* Lift the bag out and into your sparge bucket, give it a good rinse and squeeze out as much as possible.
* Use this to top up your boil kettle to boil volume, for me 23L.

This is a general guide, recommend you use beersmith to hone in the numbers but it's quite easy and gives good results.


Brilliant Paul cheers for that, I'll brew this up over Christmas and let you know how it goes. Will try go for the full grain bill.