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Repitch slurry or new starter

Started by BrewDorg, January 10, 2017, 10:52:22 PM

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Leann ull

Have a sip of the beer you pour off as well


Your new beer is 24 plato and your volume is 12.5 liters. To assume that your slurry is healthy it will have 0.8 to 2 billion cells per millilitres. Let's err and assume 1 billion cells. For ale a standard recommended amount of cells is 0.75 million per millilitres per  degree plato. The calculation is,
pitching rate x millilitre of wort x degree plato of wort =cells needed.
that's 750,000 X 12,500 X 24 = 225,000,000,000.
225 billion cells. So if we assumed you have 1 billion cells per millilitre in your slurry then you need 225 millilitres of slurry.
Dei miscendarum discipulus
Forgive us our Hangovers as we forgive those who hangover against us


Thought I'd smash the target but got a stuck mash so ended up missing it :(

1.095 OG so pitched all the slurry I had into it. Didn't taste the beer on top. Since I topped it up with 500ml water to begin with, I don't know if tasting that would have helped. The decanted slurry smelled fine though, mainly hops actually.

Leann ull

Stuck mash or sparge?, oat husks or a stir normally sorts that oak especially in bigger beers because of the weight of the grain


Stuck mash. The overflow pipe is about 8cm from the grain bed and was being constantly used through the last part of the mash. I actually did a reiterated mash, the first part gravity  being spot on, the second part being 6 points low. I had rice hulls and all, just didn't bloody use them!


I'll know in future. Rice hulls and mix the shite out of the mash a couple of times. Added some DME to hit my target so hopefully I'll still have my 10% stout next Christmas.

Leann ull

I know with oat you have to rinse not sure about the rice, might be no harm ?


Must rinse oat hulls is it?

The stout was off and running before I went to bed Saturday.

Leann ull

January 16, 2017, 11:28:12 AM #24 Last Edit: January 16, 2017, 12:50:09 PM by CH
Yep, I chuck em in a bucket and pour through colander, easy to handle wet


Good to know, cheers. I suppose that's why they tend to float so, because I usually don't soak them?