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National Brewing Championships 2023 - Save The Date: March 25, 2023

Started by SlugTrap, November 11, 2022, 07:01:11 PM

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Nationals is one of the NHC's signature events, and we know there's great appetite to run it again, especially after lockdown.
We are working now to find the right venue and organize all the moving parts.

But I can share the date we are planning around: March 25th, 2023.
So pencil that into your calendars + get brewing!

Thanks for your passion (and patience!) - we hope you'll join us in March. 

- Rich


Great stuff . We discussed this at the AGM for Lee Valley today and passed a motion to commit volunteers to the nationals this year . Looking forward to being up for it .


Hi Rich,

I've been brewing on my own for around 10yrs but never been to a competition. Any advice on whether I should attempt to enter a beer or just turn up and see what happens there first?

If I were to enter, are there any minimum requirements for acceptance? E.g. Can you brew any style, how many bottles, what's the expected standard for quality?

Thanks in advance,


Hey Conor,


I'll answer your first question with a question: do you think your beers are good?
Brewers entering their beers should be confident in them; Nationals is not the place to get troubleshooting.
For critique, bring your bottles to a local meetup if you have one. You'd want to know that you're past some of the flaws that beginners hit, especially oxidation and infection.
Having said all that, if you've been at it for 10 years your beer ought to be drinking well, so I'd enter!

I'll post more details when registration opens (soon!) but in brief:
  • Style: BJCP 2021 Guidelines
  • Numbers of Entries: Limit of 5
  • Entry Requirements: 2x (two) 500ml brown glass bottles, with no embossing or distinguishing marks, crown capped (no fliptops), with the label attached with elastic bands (not tape or glue)

The one thing I'll say now before everyone enters: this is a BJCP competition, so those are the rules we play by.
A very nice beer that doesn't fit into any one style will not win anything!
So, read the Guidelines and find the style that fits your beer or brew to style.

Thanks for asking, and hope to see you in March!

- Rich


Thanks for the quick response Rich. That gives me a great idea of what I need. I've struggled through some big off flavour problems (oxidation, chlorine) but may have DIY-blindness to some more subtle issues. I'll try and enlist a few honest critics first before I rock up and embarrass myself!

Either way I'll try and get to attend regardless.



The Nationals website is now open for registering beers!
NHC members only; €7.50 an entry; beers due in by March 10.

Please enter your competitor and entry details here:

Edit: Venue, prizes, etc. are TBA shortly.

We're excited to be on the go again; can't wait to see what people are brewing!
