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[Review] Coopers English Bitter kit

Started by LordEoin, August 21, 2013, 12:39:23 AM

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Clem dog

Just been musing to myself.

Maybe it's the fact I used untreated tap water for this brew instead of my usual asda smart price water. (returned from asda with sparkling water instead of still). But I battered on and did it anyway with tap water. After having aerated with my paint mixing paddle on the drill, I rembered that I was using tap water so i crushed half a campden tablet an threw that into the foam. Then I cleaned up the kitchen to avoid the wrath of swmbo before pitching. Maybe this is where my problem is arising from!  Maybe I should have stirred the campden in, or not used it at all having forgotten to do it first off.
Either way wifey is complaining about the smell and that is focusing the mind to prevent such an occurrence happening again! :(



I never heard of campdem tablets making the eggy smell, but after a bit of google poking i see that it's probably the cause alright.
Something to do with how it reacts with chlorine.
it should fade out though.
I'd probably give it some extra time in secondary to let it sort itself out.


Scored 40 in the Competition, hacked to an American Amber


bottled this over a week ago.   

Does anyone find it a bit watery.   As in they wised they added 20l of water instead of 25.    Very bland .   Maybe it will get better. 



Quote from: Motorbikeman on September 02, 2015, 03:10:56 PM
bottled this over a week ago.   

Does anyone find it a bit watery.   As in they wised they added 20l of water instead of 25.    Very bland .   Maybe it will get better.

I don't think the Coopers kits are supposed to be made to 25 litres, are they? I thought 23 was the proscribed brew length.


yeah, they're generally to 23 but better to 20


Yep, I always used to brew these short, 19-21 litres.


Coopers brewers brew them to 20 liters for demos.
They taste better and fit in a cornie ;)


September 02, 2015, 11:22:10 PM #24 Last Edit: September 03, 2015, 12:26:45 AM by Motorbikeman
Ah feck it.   Im so used to brewing 25L   I filled the yoke up to the top.  .. 

    Typical. ???   Never read the instructions. 

I used 750g coppers BE II and 250 brown sugar.   

Its drinkable and nice . Very young ,   But I can't believe I made a silly mistake like that.



The brew enhancer and extra sugar wouldn't have helped either.
Try the next one to 20l with 1kg light/amber DME (steeping grains and a dryhop will also add to it)


This is not too bad even with the extra few liters.   Its quite strong.  I had 4 pints a few nights ago which went to my head a bit more than expected.   

I was thinking of  testing out my new grown hops ..  http://www.nationalhomebrewclub.com/forum/index.php/topic,9109.0.html

Would this kit suit it?    If so,  what quantities would work for a powerful hoppy ale..     I am not really interested in bitter as its quite good as is.  , more aroma   would be great though.