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Crushed Grain Use By

Started by Donny, February 07, 2017, 11:07:32 AM

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Alright folks,

I got a custom kit recently and just havent had the time to get a brew day going. How long will crushed grains keep? They are in a heat sealed plastic bag.


(with caveats) ~ couple of weeks for precrushed, always use as soon as possible after crushing - keep them in a cool, dark place.

It's to do with the freshness in flavour rather than it's ability to convert to sugars & make beer (although that will be effected over a longer time frame), no more than if you open a pack of biscuits, don't seal them & leave them sitting around for a few weeks; they'll be edible but not really at their best.

When you are putting in a days effort in brewing, it's a shame not to be using the freshest ingredients to get the best result.

It is possible to brew with old malt, hops & yeast, but why spend all the time in saving a couple of quid when you should be using freshest ingredients.

Leann ull

3 months max and south after that, pull one out, if it's chewy not great if it's crunchy it's good


Anyone know what's good for whole grain? I bought in bulk regrettably about 2 years ago and have about 10kg of grain hanging around still.


Quote from: CH on February 07, 2017, 11:17:29 AM
3 months max and south after that, pull one out, if it's chewy not great if it's crunchy it's good

Perfect, easy to tell that way. Thanks


Quote from: Vermelho on February 07, 2017, 11:23:35 AM
Anyone know what's good for whole grain? I bought in bulk regrettably about 2 years ago and have about 10kg of grain hanging around still.

On that note, whats the best way to store whole grain? I recently got a sack of whole pale malt with the bulldog mill. Is it ok to just leave it in the bag it came in, or does it need to be in an airtight container? If an airtight container, what type are people using?

Leann ull

Airtight container, I use those big plastic boxes from ikea


I usually just use the bag it comes in and roll it down. Same rule applies, try some, crunchy = good. Whole grain has a long life to it, a year easy.
Airtight containers are good but don't vaccum pack grain it needs to breathe


I went to Alpack and bought airtight plastic buckets,5 liter and 10 liter ones to hold any special grains in. Works great ;)
Dei miscendarum discipulus
Forgive us our Hangovers as we forgive those who hangover against us


Quote from: CH on February 07, 2017, 05:51:41 PM
Airtight container, I use those big plastic boxes from ikea
Which ones are the airtight boxes? All the ones I looked at let air in or were quite small.
Fermenting: IPA, Lambic, Mead
Conditioning: Lambic, Cider, RIS, Ole Ale, Saison
On Tap: IPA, Helles, Best Bitter


I bought buckets from THBC without the grommet. Airtight!
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I keep my speciality grain in my old cooler mashtun. I just have them in their bags with ikea clips on them. I try to move through it quick enough these days.

Leann ull

Quote from: molc on February 08, 2017, 11:02:05 AM
Quote from: CH on February 07, 2017, 05:51:41 PM
Airtight container, I use those big plastic boxes from ikea
Which ones are the airtight boxes? All the ones I looked at let air in or were quite small.
Biggest they have, wheels on the bottom, you could take a bath in it they are that big.
I have a long plastic box for speciality, think it's for Christmas decorations
Thing is with the exception of base malts I chuck everything else now bar hops after a brew


Cheers for the replies. I'll have a gander for airtight boxes so.