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Started by patk46, February 22, 2021, 09:12:23 AM

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February 22, 2021, 09:12:23 AM Last Edit: June 30, 2021, 09:27:20 AM by patk46


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All good links there. I got the most out of the BYO one.


I used golden naked oats in an oatmeal stout a while back that worked very well


Quote from: patk46 on February 23, 2021, 12:27:07 PMThey do if you're already coming from a good base knowledge level of having a fair idea what they are, but most of it is about drainage (which is important but not what I was wondering about) plus getting into wheat and rye which is a whole other story. Again, for the very experienced brewer. I'm a good step below that level and thought a substitution chart or simple explanation in-thread from someone who does know may be useful to inexperienced people. Thanks anyway.

Well I read most of what I now know about Oats in brewing from those articles. Lets see if I can summarise it from memory:

* Raw oats - unprocessed. This will require gelatinisation, to make the starches available for conversion. You can do a 'cereal mash' or do as one of the articles suggested, which is just to make a kind of porridge with some normal malt in it and run off the liquor into your mash. Dont know if its recommended to use them without the cereal mash unless you know what you are doing, and the raw character is what you want in your beer (hazy, head killer, lots of body & protein).
* Flaked / Rolled - these have been gelatinised, and are not malted. Will add a lot of body and chewyness. Can be with husk or without husk (naked rolled oats). Note that the flaked oats you get from a home brew shop will be specially selected for brewing, and wont have the oil content that supermarket varieties will have, which can have an adverse effect on the beer.
* torrified - not sure, but these are basically popcorned oats. so they will include husk, but otherwise are the same as flaked/ rolled
* malted - as these have been malted they will have undergone some conversion. may not have enzymes left though, so you cannot necessarily make a 100% oat malt beer. Will contribute more flavour and mouthfeel, whereas unmalted will give body.
* golden malted - crystal oat malt, same as malted but you can get the sugars out by steeping and they can bring a nutty character to the mix.
* toasted (unmalted) oats - you can do thisyourself to add character, and it can remove some of the oils too

Quoting relevant bits:
QuoteWhile generalities abound about the flavor contributions oats impart on a beer, they can be distilled down to a few key elements. Unmalted oats are going to be the most neutral flavor-wise and are more known as a body-building component as well as potential contributor of some hazy compounds for styles like witbiers and hazy IPAs. Malted oats are more known to add a velvety, creamy texture to beers. This can help by cutting the astringency and sharpness of beers like porters and stouts. Crystal oat malts will provide a slight nutty character to a beer, contribute to a creamier body, and smooth mouthfeel as well.

Another popular technique with flaked oats is to toast them until browned and smelling like oatmeal cookies. This same characteristic can make its way into a beer so it has been common in many recipes for beers like brown ales, winter warmers, and porters.


@patk46. What beer you looking to make?
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after all that reading i read around some more:

Not exactly bedtime reading, but there is a lot of science there, and some interesting conclusions about the impact of high % oats in beer (18%+)

Skip to the conclusions if eyes glaze over in the science


His IPA book is quite interesting
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