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[Review] Craft Range IPA

Started by fishjam45 (Colin), May 30, 2014, 11:32:30 PM

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weird that only 100g was supplied


Just looked at the first post again. In the pictures he has the same. 100g written on the bag of priming sugar and 120g written on the instructions.


Well spotted, we need to update the instructions. The 120 g is calculated from a "rounded" grams per litre recommendation, but the included pack of 100g is what we think gives the best result for both the Craft Range IPA and the Craft Range Citra American Pale Ale.

Bear on mind that the "grams per litre" is a guideline for the other kits that don't come with the extra 100g sachet, and that it is just a recommendation for batch priming. Different people tend to like different levels of carbonation.

I hope this clears up any confusion.
"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer." Abraham Lincoln. www.homebrewwest.ie


Thanks for that. I was really just unsure about what was being recommended.

Now the long wait until I get to taste it.


tastes nice smells great
mine will be drank at chrimbo

fishjam45 (Colin)

I've only one bottle of this left!  >:( >:( >:(

I really should have entered it into the Galway IPA competition to see what that judges make of it.

Maybe somebody else out there has it bottled and might enter it?
Garden County Brewers



I brewed this as my first brew after a hiatus of 25+ yrs.
It's 6 weeks in the bottles and I'm bowled over by how easy it is to create a fine beer.
Next time around I'd like to dial back the ABV a bit, maybe add less of the brewing sugar, so I can enjoy a few more in a row   ;D

fishjam45 (Colin)

It does taste like more alright 😃
Garden County Brewers



Have a few bottles of this in the fridge chilling for later, two weeks in the bottle so I'm looking forward to it (after the youthclub disco), well deserved  id imagine!! Tasted lovely from the fermenter. Took ages to ferment though.


This was my second every brew this summer, its all gone now. And I'm seriously thinking of brewing it again. Part of me thinks I should try somthing else. But its just so lovely.

that combined with the deal that HBW have at the moment where I could get a good deal on a secondary fermentor  for bulk priming.


Made this American apa and am due to bottle it but it's tasting funny to me,  not quite sure how to describe the taste but a liquorice overriding flavour,  also a bit chemically,  not sure what went wrong.  I'm very careful with sanitation and followed the instructions to a tee.


I put the hops in three days ago and was going to bottle today. When I looked there was a thin dry powder covering the suface of the beer in the FV . It almost looks like sawdust.

it was fine before I put in the hops. I Sterilised the muslin bag, the outside of the hop sachet and the scissors and the big spoon.

But to my untrained eye it looks like an infection. No bad smells and the temp has been a solid 20 degrees all this time.

have attached a picture. Any idea whats going on?


Very odd! First time we've seen anything like this at dry hopping stage.

PM me your order number and I'll get the lads to ship you out another one as soon as they arrive on Wedns.

Also, if you solemnly swear to destroy the bucket, lid, airlock etc. we will replace them  too (infected buckets are very hard to rescue).
"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer." Abraham Lincoln. www.homebrewwest.ie

fishjam45 (Colin)

Garden County Brewers



HBW have been infected by the Christmas spirit. Good stuff
Primary: Back to Black Again (Michael Jackson stout)
Conditioning:  Breac Donn Imperial Amber Ale
Drinking: Cascade Reaction Amber Ale, Fear Gorm Irish stout, lonesome pilgrim pale ale
Planned: imperial stout, finlandia kit hack