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Hi guys-New member

Started by Bacchus, May 11, 2013, 01:32:40 AM

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Hi guys, came across this forum by accident and glad I did  :). I`m a new AG HB in N. Belfast, have mostly brewed kits, moved to extract then to AG ( kegging my 2nd AG brew later today ), I have an odd set up...but it works. Would youse have room for a l`il un on the 24th and have a wee yarn. I`ve no brew to bring as I had to stop for a bit ( personal reasons ), bt i`d love to sit and have a yarn with other crafters. Look forward to it. All the best and take care. Paul


Hi Bacchus,
Welcome to the NHC and to the forum.
I'll let the local lads advise, but in general it's an open door policy, so I would say your welcome to wander in and have a seat!


Hi Paul. Welcome to the forum! Always good to have another fellow Belfast brewer join.

What ag's have you been doing, then?
So you're kegging today. You using cornies or pressure barrels? Either way it beats the sheer tedium of washing, rinsing and filling 40 plus bottles every time.

Re the 24th the more the merrier.  Hopefully get a proper chat with you then.


Whatever it is, I'm against it.
― Groucho Marx


Hi Bazza, up to now i`ve made an IPA using fuggles and ekg. The brew i`m kegging today is an APA, kinda, using amarillo and wgv hops and used some peat smoked malt in the mash to try and give it a bit of a twist. I`m a big lover of a hoppier beer. I`m using a pressure barrel, unfortunately my budget can`t stretch to setting up a cornie system...c`est la vie. I use bottles as well, I haven`t counted them but I reckon that i`ve collected over a hundred bottles....rehab here I come...hehe. I`d love to make a clone of Thwaites Indus pale ale as it by far my favourite ale and it can be hard to get here, the only place that I know that sells it, is Whites tavern in the city centre.
          Look forward to meeting up with fellow brewers and having further conversations on this forum. Have a good day guys.



Hi Paul - great stuff and welcome! There's always room for more at the meets.

A peat smoked APA sounds really interesting - did you use much in the mash?


Hi Sub 82, The whole mash roll was 6kg, 5.75kg was pale ale malt ( crisps ) and 250g of the smoked malt. Did a final check last night with the hydrometer and it the brew seems to be coming out at 5.2 abv (O.G. 1.060, F.G. 1.021 ). Looking forward to trying it in a month or so. I have a couple of demi-johns ( was my fathers ) which I fancy trying doing a couple of the strong abbey ales, we`ll see.


Hah. That sounds like it'll put hairs on your chest alright. Amarillo with smoked malt? Sounds very interesting. Youll have to try and save a bottle for a future meet ;)

Pressure barrels are a great job. I was using King Kegs up until last summer. Very little bother once you get the hang of them and you get over the stigma of buying Vaseline  :)

Just done an ipa with Amarillo myself this week, with Perle for bittering and aromatic malt. Haven't used Amarillo in over 3 years and had forgotten how good they smell. Opening the bag smelled like opening a bottle of Dead Pony Club!

So you're saying that Whites have finally got round to selling ales on tap?  Might have to go back there some time.


Whatever it is, I'm against it.
― Groucho Marx


No Barry, they don`t sell ale on tap but bottled, they do the thwaites indus, hobgoblin, innis and gunn and another couple. They do that smithwicks pale ale on tap and if you like amarillo then the smithwicks is the one, albeit a commercial beer.
I thought adding the smoked malt might make it taste like it was fermented in a wooden barrel....I was going to add some whisky I was given for my b/day in the boil, but talked myself out of it and drank it instead...hehe.
If the SM doesn`t work with the amarillo, I`ll probably make a rauch beer as i`ve 750g of it left, 500g of medium crystal and about 20kg of pale ale malt.


Hi Paul

Welcome! If you're tihnking about some strong abbeys, let's have a chat- right up my street!!


Hi Matthew, well then you`re definately the man to talk to. I`ve just been looking over recipes in a book I bought a while ago that has belgian abbey ales in it, ranging from 6% to 11% abv....11%...that`s white wine territority...no wonder the monks stayed put...hehehe


Hey Bacchus

Sounds like we have about the same level of experience! Just bottled my 2nd AG batch too.

...I have to say, I'm starting to get an urge to try an Eisbock...Need to nab a spare freezer though!