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grainfather false bottom.

Started by DEMPSEY, November 01, 2021, 09:19:12 PM

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I ordered 1 of these today, https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001704355150.html?spm=a2g0o.store_pc_allProduct.8148356.39.47af7544ca0DyJ
Although its for the BrewZilla it fits the Grainfather perfectly. Any else get this.
Dei miscendarum discipulus
Forgive us our Hangovers as we forgive those who hangover against us


I have one of those Brewzilla ones, does the job nicely and I haven't had any issues with it. It has filtered the hops out well so far.


Dei miscendarum discipulus
Forgive us our Hangovers as we forgive those who hangover against us


The issue I have with these and the new g40 is that you are masking the full temperature throughout the liquid and have a really hot zone between the plate and the heater in the base, it's transferring but not as effectively as in an open pot what impact is that having.
By not dissipating the heat as quick as in an open boil you must be shortening the lifespan of the element?
On the plus side it could be good for beers that you would ordinarily decoct.


I do like the new G70 that use a bottom drain plate. I think it has 2 temperature probes to measure in a more even way
Dei miscendarum discipulus
Forgive us our Hangovers as we forgive those who hangover against us


Dei miscendarum discipulus
Forgive us our Hangovers as we forgive those who hangover against us


G40 is 1275 ;)
Even with 2 probes I feel keeping a concentrated temp under the plate isn't ideal.
I'm going to test my bullshit theory at some point as I have one of those plates!